Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1220

background image

Chapter 20

Keying, Mattes, and Masks




Click the Select Color eyedropper to pick a color in the clip to key, move the pointer to
the Canvas (it turns into an eyedropper), then click the desired key color. Choose a
color that’s fairly close to the edge of your foreground subject, so that the area near the
subject is the first area of color you key out.

The color range you select with the eyedropper becomes transparent in the clip.

Next, you want to expand the keyed area to include regions of the background that
weren’t immediately eliminated by the first key.


Click the Select Color eyedropper, and in the Canvas, Shift-click another region of the
background you want to key out to enlarge the region of transparency.

After selecting the first key color
(not all of the green is keyed out)

Before clicking with the
eyedropper tool

Before selecting another range
of color with the eyedropper tool

After selecting an additional range of