Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1690

Chapter 14
Assemble and Insert Editing Using Edit to Tape
Media Elements and Options
These are options for the clip or sequence you are outputting to tape.
 Print: You can choose to output the entire clip or sequence or just the part specified
between the In and Out points.
 Loop: Repeats the selected media for the specified number of times. A value of 1
plays the selected media once; a value of 2 plays the selected media twice, and so on.
 Black: Adds black after each loop of your sequence or clip.
 Trailer: Adds a black trailer at the end of your sequence or clip or at the end of the
last loop of your clip or sequence. It’s good practice to put a 30-second black trailer
at the end of your tape so viewers don’t see noise as soon as your movie ends. It’s
also helpful to add a few seconds of black at the end of each edit when you are
assemble editing. This provides timecode and control track after the last frame of
your output sequence to set a new In point for a new edit.
Duration Calculator
The Duration Calculator displays the total duration of the program you are outputting,
including all of the selected leader and trailer elements and their durations. Make sure
there is sufficient time on your tape before proceeding.
 Media: Displays the duration of your source media to be output, not including leader
and trailer elements. The duration shown here depends on whether the sequence or
clip you are outputting has In or Out points set, and the choice you made in the Print
pop-up menu.
 Total: Displays the total duration of the program you are outputting, including
additional time created by looping and the duration of all selected leader and
trailer elements.