Controlling when external video output is updated – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 226

Chapter 14
External Video Monitoring
Disabling Warning Controls
 Do not show External A/V Device Warning when device not found on launch: When
selected, this option disables the “Unable to locate the external video device” dialog that
appears when Final Cut Pro is opened without a camcorder, deck, or video interface
connected or installed. Instead, Final Cut Pro finishes opening, and External Video is
automatically set to Off in the View menu. When this checkbox is selected, Final Cut Pro
continues to attempt to locate an installed video device each time it is opened, but does
not display a warning requiring user input if a video device is not found.
If the Don’t Show Again checkbox is selected in the “Unable to locate the external
video device” dialog, it is also selected in the A/V Devices tab of the Audio/Video
Settings window.
If no video device is connected when Final Cut Pro opens, but you connect one while
Final Cut Pro is open, you will not be able to use it immediately. If the video device
does not appear in the Video Playback submenu of the View menu, make sure the
device is connected and turned on, then choose View > Refresh A/V Devices.
 Do not show warning when audio outputs are greater than audio device channels: This
option affects the Audio Outputs tab of the Sequence Settings window. If this option
is not selected, you will see a warning every time you choose more audio outputs
than are available from the currently selected audio device.
For example, if your audio device has only two audio outputs, and you configure
your sequence to have six audio outputs, a warning dialog appears when you click
OK to close the Sequence Settings window. To prevent this warning from appearing,
select this option.
Controlling When External Video Output Is Updated
Updating the external video output requires processing power. You can control how
often the external video output is updated.
To set the external display option:
Choose View > External Video.
Choose an option from the submenu:
 Off: Turns off external video and audio output so nothing plays on your video
monitor. This allows you to play more real-time effects.
 All Frames: Updates every frame to the external video output. This includes
scrubbing, jogging, and playback.
 Single Frames: Updates external video output when you manually choose to display
a frame. This frees your computer’s processor to calculate more real-time effects but
still allows you to preview single frames on your external video output device. When
this option is selected, you can update the video output device by choosing View >
External Video > Show Current.