Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1988

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EDLs IV-134, IV-150, IV-151–IV-152
frames as still images III-367
image sequences IV-287–IV-289
markers as text tracks II-69
multiclips II-244
multiple AIFF files III-193
multitrack projects to Final Cut Pro III-209
nested sequences and II-417
problems with still images III-368
QuickTime audio formats IV-247
QuickTime-compatible movies IV-245–IV-247
QuickTime movies IV-235–IV-236, IV-237–IV-241,
QuickTime movies for iDVD IV-276
reference movies IV-238
sequences IV-275
sequences as batch lists I-312
sequences as EDLs IV-134
sequences as QuickTime movies IV-240–IV-241
sequences for DVD IV-267
still images IV-285–IV-287
window layouts I-145
XML files IV-159

Export Queue window IV-291, IV-292, IV-293–IV-300
Export QuickTime Movie command IV-235, IV-236,
IV-237–IV-241, IV-365
Export Using QuickTime Conversion
command I-324, IV-235, IV-236, IV-245–IV-247,
IV-286, IV-287
Export XML dialog IV-159
exposure III-546, IV-456
extend editing IV-456
extend edits II-348–II-349
extensions IV-296, IV-297
external audio speakers I-173
external editing applications III-407

clearing IV-322
opening a clip in IV-321
specifying IV-322

External Editors tab IV-321
external hard disks I-212
external monitors

connecting I-173
Digital Cinema Desktop Preview feature I-226–
DV FireWire devices and I-221
Edit to Tape operations I-222–I-225
playback operations I-222–I-225
previewing video on I-221
troubleshooting I-231
updating output I-225
video latency I-230
video quality I-232

external sync I-200, I-308
External Sync inputs I-184, I-201

external video IV-191–IV-195
external video monitors II-278, IV-221
Extract filter III-248
eyedropper III-229, III-433, III-579, III-604
eyeline matches IV-456


Fade In, Fade Out transition II-389
fade-ins II-372, II-389
fade-outs II-372, II-389
fader banks III-105
faders IV-456

adjusting III-85–III-88
in control surfaces III-100, III-104, III-106
described III-73
Master fader III-76, III-88

fade-to-black transitions II-379
Fast Forward button IV-205
fast-forward in time graph III-360
fast motion III-337
Fast Start - Compressed Header option IV-259
Fast Start option IV-259
favorites IV-457

audio filters III-176
audio transitions II-386
creating III-332–III-334
deleting II-387
Favorites bin III-332
motion effects III-320–III-321
organizing III-336
renaming III-335
transitions III-335–III-336

Favorites bin II-387, III-332, III-336
Feather slider III-442
feedback in reverberation III-161
feet + frames timecode II-441
Fibre Channel arrays I-217
field dominance III-681, IV-363, IV-387

in mixed-format sequences III-683–III-684,


frame rates and IV-407
of video images IV-457

File Attribute Mismatch dialog IV-82
file formats II-90

See also names of specific file formats
audio IV-235
compared to codecs IV-230
EDL file formats IV-135
graphics IV-234
images IV-234, IV-286
importable files I-315
QuickTime IV-228
QuickTime-compatible IV-246
video I-22–I-25