Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1106

Chapter 15
Adjusting Parameters for Keyframed Effects
To change the name of a motion favorite:
Select the motion favorite in the Favorites bin of the Effects tab of the Browser.
Click the name of the motion favorite, type a new name, then press Return.
When you apply a motion favorite to a clip in your sequence, it’s not like applying a filter.
There is no special object (such as a filter) that is attached to your clip. Instead, applying
a motion favorite applies all the motion effect keyframes in that favorite to the motion
parameters of the clip. These keyframes can then be further modified at any time.
To apply a motion favorite to a clip in your sequence, do one of the following:
Select one or more clips in the Timeline, choose Effects > Motion Favorites, then
choose the motion favorite you want to apply from the submenu.
In the Timeline, assign the video track containing the clip to which you want to apply
the motion favorite as the destination track, then place the Timeline playhead over that
clip. Choose Effects > Motion Favorites, then choose an item from the submenu.
In the Browser, drag a motion favorite from the Favorites bin of the Effects tab to a clip
in your sequence.
In the Timeline, select a group of clips in your sequence, then drag a motion favorite
from the Favorites bin of the Effects tab of the Browser to this group.
Because motion favorites apply keyframes to a clip’s motion parameters, to remove the
effect from your clip you need to reset the motion parameters that were modified in
that clip’s Motion tab.
You can also remove unused motion favorites that you no longer want to appear in the
Motion Favorites submenu.
To remove a motion favorite from the Motion Favorites submenu:
In the Browser, open the Favorites bin of the Effects tab.
Select the motion effect item you want to remove.
Choose Edit > Clear (or press Delete).