Entering a clip name and other logging information – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 260

Chapter 16
Logging Clips
Tip: You can listen to your audio while you log by selecting the Preview checkbox in
the Clip Settings tab of the Log and Capture window. When this option is selected, you
hear your audio on the output selected in the Sound pane of Mac OS X System
Preferences (in the Sound pane, click Output and select a device for sound output).
Entering a Clip Name and Other Logging Information
The following clip properties can be entered in the Logging tab of the Log and Capture
window, as well as adjusted later in the Browser: Name, Description, Scene, Shot/Take,
Angle, Log Note, and Good.
Specifying the Clip Name
The clip name in the Name field is generated automatically from the Description,
Scene, Shot/Take, and Angle fields. However, only the fields whose checkboxes are
selected contribute to the clip name. Underscores in the clip name separate the
content of each automatically included field. For example, the clip name “Man Talking
3_23_4” is generated from the Description “Man Talking”, the Scene “3”, the Shot/Take
“23,” and the angle 4.
There are two features available to several fields:
 Slate buttons: Click the Slate button to increment the last number or letter in the field.
 If the current field doesn’t end with a number, a “1” is appended.
 If the field ends with a single character (such as “A”), the character is incremented
alphabetically (in this case, to “B”).
 Combinations of numbers and letters, such as “893z”, are incremented as well (for
example, to “894a”). Uppercase and lowercase characters are preserved.
 Checkboxes: Click a checkbox to add a field’s text to the Name field.
For more information, see “