Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1771

background image


Part III



Choose Image Sequence from the Format pop-up menu.


Choose a setting from the Use pop-up menu.

If none of the options you need are listed in the Use pop-up menu, see Step 7.


To select custom settings, click Options.


In the Export Image Sequence Settings dialog, choose your settings, then click OK.

 Format: Choose the image format you want to use from the pop-up menu.
 Frames per second: Enter a value or choose an option from the pop-up menu for the

frame rate for the images.

 Options: Click here to set additional options, such as alternate bit depth or

compression settings, if they are available for the selected format.


When you’re ready to export, click Save.

A dialog shows you the progress of the export. To cancel your export, press Esc or
click Cancel.

Choose an export setting
from the pop-up menu.

Click here to set additional
options, if available.

Choose a format type
from this pop-up menu.

Enter the desired frame
rate, or choose an option
from the pop-up menu.