Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1034

Chapter 13
Installing and Managing Video Effects
Matte Choker
Usually used in conjunction with a key filter to manipulate the
edges of the key. The Edge Thin slider in the Matte Choker is often
used instead of the Edge Thin slider in the key filter because it can
produce a more realistic result.
When you use the Matte Choker, moving the Edge Thin slider to
the right gradually eats into marginally keyed areas of a filter,
eliminating fringe and smoothing out the edges of your matte.
When you move the Edge Thin slider to the right, marginally keyed
areas of a clip are expanded, spreading out the matte and filling in
holes in your foreground image that may have been created by the
key filter you’re using.
Matte Chokers always appear after the key filter in the Filters tab.
Matte Chokers are also commonly used in groups. The first Matte
Choker eliminates the fringing in the areas you want to key out,
but it may create holes in the foreground image. The second Matte
Choker, applied in reverse, fills in these holes to make the
foreground image as solid as possible. More Matte Chokers can
further fine-tune your key.
Soft Edges
Blurs the four edges of the clip individually by the specified
amount to create an old-fashioned vignetting effect. Each of the
four edges of your clip can be individually adjusted using the Left,
Right, Top, and Bottom sliders. The Dither and Gaussian checkboxes
are used to modify the quality of the blurred edge, and the Invert
checkbox allows you to switch between masking out the edges
and creating a hole in your image.
Generates a widescreen matte in the clip to create a letterboxed
image. The Type pop-up menu allows you to adjust the aspect ratio
of the top and bottom mask using standard academy ratios. The
Offset slider lets you move the affected clip up or down in order to
display the area that’s most important. The Border slider moves the
top and bottom of the letterbox inward by up to ten pixels. The
color controls allow you to specify a border color other than black
for the letterbox, and a Feather Edges checkbox blurs the edges of
the letterbox.