Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1958

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timecode A signal recorded with your video that uniquely identifies each frame on
tape. The SMPTE format for timecode is hours: minutes: seconds: frames.

timecode gap An area of tape with no timecode at all. Timecode gaps usually signify
the end of all recorded material on a tape, but timecode gaps may occur due to user
error, such as fast-forwarding too far past a section of previously recorded material and
recording additional footage. Video occurring after a timecode gap begins with a
timecode value of 00:00:00:00. See also reset timecode break.

Timeline A window in Final Cut Pro that displays a chronological view of an open
sequence. Each sequence has its own tab in the Timeline. You can use the Timeline to
edit and arrange a sequence. The order of the tracks in the Timeline determines the
layering order when you combine multiple tracks of video. Changes you make to a
sequence in the Timeline are seen when you play back that sequence in the Canvas.
If you modify clips in the Canvas, those changes can be seen in the Timeline. Note that
the Canvas and Timeline only display sequences that are currently open.

Timeline patch panel The section at the left of the Timeline containing the Audio,
Source and Destination, Track Visibility, Lock Track, and Auto Select controls.

time remapping The process of moving a frame in a clip to another time relative to the
Timeline. All frames in that clip from the beginning of the clip to that keyframe are either
sped up or slowed down to accommodate the new duration that’s been specified.

title safe area Part of the video image that is guaranteed to be visible on all
televisions. The title safe area is the inner 80 percent of the screen. To prevent text in
your video from being hidden by the edge of a TV set, you should restrict any titles or
text to the title safe area. Compare with action safe area.

Tool Bench A window in Final Cut Pro that contains interface elements that you can
use to supplement information displayed in the Viewer and Canvas. The Tool Bench can
contain up to five tabs—Audio Mixer, Frame Viewer, QuickView, Video Scopes, and
Voice Over.

Tool palette A window in Final Cut Pro that contains tools for selecting, editing,
zooming, cropping, and distorting items in the Timeline. All tools in the Tool palette
can also be selected using keyboard shortcuts.

track header The area in the patch panel that contains controls for each track.

tracks Layers in the Timeline that contain audio or video clip items in a sequence. Also
refers to the separate audio and video tracks on tape or within media files. Final Cut Pro
allows up to 99 video and 99 audio tracks to be used in a single sequence.