Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 927

Playback and Recording Controls and Status Area
 Record/Stop: Click this button to begin the audio recording and Timeline playback.
While you’re recording, the button functions as a Stop button. Recording can also be
stopped by pressing the Escape key. If recording is stopped, the partial audio clip
that was recorded is saved to disk and placed in the Timeline.
 Review: Click this button to play back the section of the sequence you’ve defined,
using the sequence In and Out points or the position of the playhead and the end of
your sequence. This lets you preview the defined range of the Timeline while you
practice your voiceover.
 Discard Last Recording: Click this button to delete the previously recorded voiceover
clip. (This button is available only after you’ve used the Voice Over tool once.)
Discarding cannot be undone.
 Status area: Displays the recording status of the Voice Over tool, along with a
progress bar that indicates the percentage of the recording that has been completed,
based on the defined area of the Timeline. There are five states:
 Ready to Record: Indicates that the Voice Over tool is ready and waiting to be
 Starting: Appears along with a progressive change in color from yellow to red
during the 5-second countdown that occurs when you first click the Record
button. Audio is actually recorded during the countdown, and the resulting clip
has a 5-second handle at the beginning.
 Recording: Appears once you’ve started recording in the Timeline. While you’re
recording, the status area is red. Fifteen seconds before the end of your recording,
you are cued with a single audible beep. During the last 5 seconds of recording,
the status area displays a countdown from 5 to 0, accompanied by five beeps, to
let you know when the recording time is up.
 Finishing: Appears once playback comes to the end of the defined area of the
Timeline. Recording continues 2 seconds past the end of your specified Out point
to prevent your last word from being cut off.
 Saving: Appears after recording, when your clip is being saved from RAM to the
currently specified scratch disk.