Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1974

icons in IV-35–IV-36
icon view I-67–I-71
illustrated I-44
importing items in I-315–I-319
list view I-62–I-66
logging in I-237, I-238
markers in II-57
media management and IV-14
modifying timecode in II-448
moving and resizing window I-141
multiclips in II-260
navigating in I-57
opening clips in II-292
opening projects in I-34
organizing clips in II-138–II-139
overview I-53
poster frames I-70
renaming items in I-58
resizing text labels I-141
saving a custom layout in I-71
saving projects I-33
screen text size IV-309
searching for items in II-31–II-34
selecting items for Batch Export IV-292
selecting items for Media Manager IV-89
sequences in II-96–II-98
sorting items in II-27–II-28, II-97
tabs for bins II-19
tabs in I-49
timecode columns II-446
tooltips in I-59
using a custom layout in I-71
viewing items in I-54
working with I-55–I-58
built-in analog audio I-188
built-in audio III-38
built-in audio cards IV-345
built-in digital audio I-188
Bumpmap filter III-244
button bars I-46, I-155–I-158, II-269
Button List window I-156
cables I-196–I-198, I-213, I-215, IV-355
cache files I-115, IV-320
QuickView tab and III-641, III-642
render cache files III-673
calculating hard disk space I-210
analog video III-536
broadcast monitors III-541
color bars III-541
described III-540, IV-450
timecode IV-145, IV-194, IV-357, IV-357–IV-359
camcorder audio quality III-31
16:9 CCDs IV-430
16:9 Wide button IV-430
audio channels and I-301
audio quality I-323
Camera mode IV-355
capturing video with I-279–I-280
connecting I-172
connecting video monitor through I-219
device control I-287, IV-354–IV-355
DV camcorders IV-355
external monitors and I-221
FireWire and IV-355
manual use of IV-360
Print to Video command IV-222
problems with I-203, IV-438, IV-442, IV-443
recording from Timeline IV-223–IV-225
resetting timecode to zero I-267
settings IV-192
smooth recording speed IV-224
timecode breaks and I-289
VCR mode IV-355
video formats and I-24
camera angles. See angles
Camera mode IV-192, IV-355
camera motion, adding III-379–III-385
camera-stand techniques III-365
Canceled column (Export Queue window) IV-297
Canvas IV-439, IV-450
audio levels in III-78
closing sequences in II-86
compared to Timeline I-113
compared to Viewer I-99
controls in I-79–I-81, I-94–I-97
creating motion effects in III-274–III-285
described I-89
displaying items in II-405
dragging audio clips to II-298
edit buttons II-147
editing controls I-92, I-93
editing in II-145–II-148
Edit Overlay I-93
edit points in II-106–II-114, II-237–II-240
illustrated I-44
keyframed motion paths in III-311–III-319
markers in II-54–II-56
match frame operations II-433
moving and resizing window I-141
navigating in I-99
opening sequences in I-90, II-86
overview I-91–I-92
Playhead Sync pop-up menu I-86, I-98
playing clips in I-100–I-102
setting keyframes in III-295