Example:removing unused media from a sequence, Example: removing unused media from a sequence, P. 109) – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1592

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Chapter 8

Examples of How to Use the Media Manager



A progress bar displays the state of completion of your Media Manager operation. For
information on the order of operations, see “

How the Media Manager Processes

Selected Items

” on page 98.


Do not switch to the Finder when the Media Manager is in the middle of

processing operations. If you do, a Relink dialog may appear when you return to
Final Cut Pro. To continue, click OK and don’t relink.

If an error occurs during the selected operation, the process stops and an error
message appears.

Example: Removing Unused Media from a Sequence

A common Media Manager operation is to remove parts of media files that are not
used in the sequence. For example, in a 30-minute sequence, the sequence clips refer
to 30 minutes of media files. However, the total media referred to by these clips’ master
clips can be much more. For example, a master clip may refer to a 5-minute media file,
but when you edit it into a sequence, the affiliate clips’ In and Out points define a
sequence clip that refers to only 1 minute of the media file. Just for that one clip, there
are 4 minutes of the media file that are unused by the sequence clip. With the Media
Manager, you can easily delete the portions of media unused by the sequence clips.


This process preserves media files used by any sequence or clip in all

currently open projects. For example, if two projects refer to the same media file, and
they are both open at the same time, the Media Manager preserves the media file
based on its usage in both projects.