Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 929

 Input: If the audio input device you’re using has multiple inputs, this pop-up menu
lets you choose which one you use to record. If there are multiple audio devices you
can use, Final Cut Pro remembers the input you choose for each device, if you
change devices.
 Rate: This pop-up menu lets you choose an audio sample rate supported by the
audio device selected to record your voiceover clips. It’s best to use the same audio
sample rate used in your sequence. If the selected audio device cannot support your
sequence’s sample rate, choose the next closest available sample rate. For example, if
your sequence is set to 48 kHz but your audio device doesn’t support that sample
rate, choose 44.1 kHz.
 Gain: This slider allows you to adjust the recording level used by the Voice Over tool.
Note: Audio input selections made in the Voice Over tool do not affect your selected
capture preset.
Headphones Area
 Volume: Use this slider to adjust the level of audio that plays through the headphone
port while the Voice Over tool is recording. You can also enter a value, in decibels
(dB), in the field next to the slider.
 Sound Cues: Select this checkbox to hear audible beeps that indicate the status of
recording. These include a beep at the 5-second starting phase of recording with the
Voice Over tool, and at 15 seconds prior to the end of the defined range for
recording. These sound cues play through the headphone port and are not recorded
as part of the voiceover clip.
Note: To prevent the recording microphone from picking up audio from your program,
use a pair of headphones to monitor your program’s audio when using the Voice Over
tool. Otherwise, set the Volume slider to –60 dB and deselect the Sound Cues checkbox.