Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1972

averaging meters IV-448
Avid EDLs with 24-tracks IV-143
Avid systems IV-65
AVI format I-315, IV-232, IV-246, IV-264–IV-266,
axis IV-448
AX reel name IV-131
background clips III-263
background modes III-275
background noise II-287, II-310, III-181
backgrounds I-86
backgrounds clips III-417
background screens, keying and III-424–III-426
backing up items I-286
backing up projects II-76–II-77
archiving IV-23–IV-24
autosave feature IV-20–IV-22
consolidating files IV-119
Revert Project command and IV-19
back lights IV-448
backtiming clips II-109, II-110, II-165, II-168–II-169
Balance control III-571
balanced audio signals I-196
balanced XLR connectors I-198
Balance Reset button III-572
equalization and III-154
frequency ranges III-20
Band Slide transition II-391, IV-151
Band Wipe transition II-392, IV-152
bars and tone III-68
Bars and Tone generator III-53, III-449
Base Output Filename option IV-297
base tracks (Insert Tracks dialog) II-121
Basic 3D filter III-250
Basic Border filter III-242
Basic Motion parameter III-258
bass frequencies III-20, III-155
Batch Capture dialog I-265, I-274–I-276, I-277
batch capturing IV-64, IV-449
additional items found I-278–I-279
batch capture list IV-444
batch lists I-309–I-313
described I-236, IV-448
EDL considerations IV-146
preparing for I-273
process I-272–I-279
selected clips only I-276–I-278
settings I-274–I-276
space requirements I-276
stopping and restarting I-278
workflows I-272
Batch Export command IV-291–IV-293
batch exports IV-291–IV-299
changing item status IV-300
opening IV-299
performing IV-298–IV-299
redoing IV-300
selecting items for IV-292–IV-293
settings IV-292, IV-293–IV-298
batch lists I-309–I-313, IV-448
creating I-309–I-312
described I-309
vs. EDLs I-310
exporting I-312
importing I-237, I-310, I-312
batch recapturing. See batch capturing
baud rates IV-351
beats in music III-182
rendering audio and III-648
sound cues III-144
unrendered audio and III-628, III-634
Beep When Playing Unrendered Audio
option III-628, III-634
bels. See decibel
Best Take label II-206
Betacam SP equipment I-186
Betacam SP format IV-188, IV-189, IV-449
connecting equipment I-185
equipment setup I-182
Betacam SX format IV-449
Bevel filter III-242
Bezier curves III-308, III-310–III-311, III-314–III-316,
IV-139, IV-449
Bezier handles III-307–III-311, IV-449
adding to keyframes III-315
adjusting curves III-315–III-316
removing from keyframes III-316
bin icon IV-35
bins II-15–II-22, III-332, III-336
adding items to IV-293
adding to projects II-16
batch exports IV-292–IV-293
batch export settings IV-293–IV-294
Browser tab for II-19
capturing clips in I-276
changing name of IV-293
closing II-19
creating II-16, IV-292, IV-293
deleting from projects I-58
described I-31, IV-449
export settings IV-293
imported folders I-316
logging bin I-255–I-256, I-266, I-275
logging bins IV-461
moving items between II-21
multiclip elements in II-254