Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1973

background image



opened in separate window IV-35
opening II-17, II-18
renaming I-58
searching II-28–II-30
selecting IV-298
selecting items for Media Manager IV-90
sorting II-27–II-28

bit depth

audio capture I-303, IV-346
audio interfaces I-189
capture presets IV-345
consumer audio I-199
digital audio III-29
exported audio III-194
imported audio files I-323
imported graphics III-370
imported video files I-320
settings III-39
still images IV-286
video formats IV-376, IV-390

bitmap files IV-234
bits per second IV-351

absolute III-542
analog video levels III-536
black alpha channel III-413
blacks, mids, and whites ranges III-510
ignoring in Histogram III-521
setup levels III-536

black, fading to or from II-379
black and code IV-194–IV-195
Black and Code button IV-195, IV-202
Black and Code dialog IV-195
black, between color bars and slate IV-206
blackburst generators I-200, I-308, II-46
blacked tapes IV-194
blacking tapes I-268
black levels IV-449
Black Level slider III-538
Blacks control III-579
Black setting (Master Settings tab) IV-206, IV-207
Blacks Reset button III-580
Blacks Select Auto-balance Color button III-579
Blacks slider III-572, III-573, III-582
black trailers IV-207
Blink filter III-252
“blue only” button III-542, III-544
Blue Screen filter III-246, III-427
blue screening IV-449
blur filters III-241

drop shadows III-259
around keyed subjects III-434
Motion Blur parameter III-260

BMP extension I-316
BMP files IV-234

BNC connector I-173, I-176, I-178, I-179, I-184
BNC connectors I-179
boosting audio IV-369, IV-449
boot disks I-212
border filters III-242
boundaries of clips IV-449
Box Slide transition II-391
“Break in the Timecode” message IV-441
breakout boxes I-174, I-176, I-177, I-191
B-reel edits IV-137
brightness III-535, III-542

measuring in analog video III-535–III-536

brightness (color)

filters III-245
font color III-478
HSB controls III-478

brightness (sound) III-55, III-154
Brightness and Contrast filter III-245
Brightness slider III-538
broadcast levels IV-450

dynamic range III-67
guidelines III-524
illegal III-523–III-525
legal III-509, III-523–III-525
range-checking options III-524–III-525
reference tones III-68

broadcast monitors I-220, III-542–III-544

calibrating III-553
using III-553
viewing graphics on III-375

broadcast quality IV-449
broadcast safe colors III-524, III-544
Broadcast Safe filter III-243, III-526–III-530, III-560,
broadcast video formats I-22
Broadcast Wave Format (BWF) file IV-104, IV-313,
B-roll IV-450
B-roll label II-206

bins in II-17
changing clip properties II-80–II-82
changing project properties II-75
changing reel names IV-147
clip properties in IV-36–IV-42
closing projects I-34, I-35
columns in I-59–I-66, IV-36–IV-42
copying items in I-57–I-58
creating projects I-32
creating sequences in I-55
customizing appearance of I-60–I-65
deleting items in I-58
described IV-450
displaying items in I-61
dragging audio clips to II-298
exporting sequences as batch lists I-312