Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1970

recording settings III-93–III-96
reference tones III-68
settings I-243, III-62–III-68
subframe III-130
track meters III-74
Audio Levels setting IV-139
audio mapping IV-139, IV-351
Audio Mapping setting IV-139, IV-351
audio meters I-44, I-298, IV-448
analog III-58
clipping indicators III-61, III-76
decibels III-23, III-24
digital III-58
floating audio meters III-61
Master meter III-76
overview III-60–III-62
types of III-60–III-62
Audio Mixer III-81–III-100, IV-448
controls III-70–III-78
controls unavailable III-82
control surfaces and III-100, III-106–III-109
customizing track views III-78–III-80
faders III-85–III-88
making basic adjustments with III-81–III-88
making pan adjustments with III-89–III-91
mixer automation III-91, III-91–III-100
mute button III-82–III-83
opening III-70
organizing tracks in III-78–III-80, III-184
overview III-69, III-81
recording audio filter automation III-171
recording level and pan keyframes III-93–III-96
recording over automation III-98
solo button III-84
track level meters III-73
views in III-78–III-80
32-bit resolution III-74
audio levels III-57–III-61, III-111–III-115, III-128,
Audio Mixer. See Audio Mixer
audio sweetening III-183
audio tracks III-634, IV-305
bars and reference tone III-68
compression III-26
control surfaces and III-106–III-109
downmixing III-47
EDLs and IV-149
eliminating clicks III-130
filters. See audio filters
looping playback III-96–III-98
mixer automation III-91
postproduction facilities III-183
real-time audio mixing III-634, III-636, IV-305,
reference levels III-67
rendering video effects and III-636
resampling for III-656
Audio Mixing window layout I-144
audio monitors I-173
levels III-52
setting up III-55
audio-only angles II-262
audio output presets III-41
Audio Outputs Preset Editor III-42
Audio Outputs tab I-225, III-41, IV-316, IV-368
audio overlays III-188
adjusting pan or spread III-121
adjusting volume III-117
audio peak markers III-64
audio peaks I-304, III-63–III-64
Audio Playback Quality setting I-323
audio post-production III-183
Audio property IV-37
audio quality IV-364
audio render status bar I-123, III-648
audio scoring markers IV-243
audio signals
cables and I-196–I-198
formats I-189
Audio tab I-77, II-292
audiotape III-68
audio tracks
adding I-116
adding to sequences II-120–II-121, II-142
analyzing IV-123, IV-124
applying filters to multiple tracks III-331
assigning to output channels III-193
audio CD tracks I-327
audio mapping IV-139, IV-351
in Audio Mixer III-70
Auto Select controls II-185–II-188
blank IV-257
capturing I-243
categories III-185
cleaning up III-177–III-185
compressing IV-257
control surfaces and III-104
deleting from sequences II-122
described II-120, IV-448
destination tracks II-123–II-127
disabled III-196
disabling II-129
disabling in clips III-418–III-420
disconnecting Source and Destination
controls II-125
displaying controls I-127
displaying or hiding III-80
display options II-130, II-293
display size I-129
dragging clips into II-127