Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 887

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Part I

Audio Mixing

Configuring Final Cut Pro to Work with a Control Surface

Once a control surface is connected to your MIDI interface, you need to establish
communication between the control surface and Final Cut Pro. You set up control
surfaces in Final Cut Pro in the Control Surface Configuration dialog.

 Control surface arrangement area: This area displays icons of the currently assigned

control surfaces. You can click a control surface icon to select it, and you can
double-click the icon to adjust the control surface’s settings. If you have multiple
control surfaces, you can drag their icons to rearrange their order.

The order of control surface icons affects the fader ordering on your physical control
surfaces. For more information, see “

Arranging Control Surface Order

” on page 104.

 Add and Delete buttons: These buttons allow you to add or remove control surfaces

in your configuration. The number of control surfaces allowed is limited to the
number of MIDI ports on your MIDI interface.

 Shift Order Left and Right buttons: These buttons allow you to move the selected

control surface icon to rearrange its order.

 Summary area: This area displays information about the currently selected

control surface.

Control surface
arrangement area

Add and Delete

Shift Order Left and

Right buttons

Summary area