Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 2003

Browser columns I-62
clips III-261, III-279
frames to new time slots III-354, III-356
In and Out points II-116
media files into one location IV-117
in Media Manager IV-93
playhead in Timeline II-352
to scratch disks IV-88
shortcut buttons I-156
sliding clips II-318
split edit points II-235
transitions II-380
windows I-50, I-141
MP3 format IV-228, IV-235, IV-272
MPEG-1 format IV-269, IV-397
MPEG-1 Layer 2 audio IV-272
MPEG-1 Layer 3 audio. See MP3 format
MPEG-2 compression IV-393
MPEG-2 format I-321, IV-232, IV-269, IV-271, IV-397–
MPEG-4 format I-315, IV-232, IV-235, IV-246, IV-398
MPEG compression markers II-54
MPEG formats IV-228
MPEG standards IV-393–IV-398, IV-463
M stems (Music stems) III-185
multichannel audio I-296, I-301, IV-346
multiclip grouping area II-253
multiclip icon IV-35
multiclip playback III-630
Multiclip Playback mode II-244, II-276–II-278
adding angles II-264–II-267
angle numbers II-245
in Browser II-260
collapsing and expanding II-244, II-281
creating II-247–II-249
deleting angles II-264
described II-79, II-241, IV-32, IV-33
dragging into Timeline II-140
editing II-269, II-277
exporting II-244
filters II-279
keyboard shortcuts II-269
limitations and requirements II-242
master-affiliate relationships II-281–II-282
as master clips IV-47
match frame commands II-283
media management II-284
Media Manager settings IV-97
motion parameters II-279
moving angles II-263
Multiclip Playback mode II-276–II-278
offline II-284
overlays II-263
playback quality II-278
recapturing II-284
reconnecting to media II-284
resynchronizing angles II-267
sequences II-251–II-260
speed adjustments II-279
switching angles II-270–II-272, II-280
synchronizing angles II-247, II-255
in Viewer II-261–II-267
workflow II-243–II-244
Multi-Frame Trim Size field IV-313
multiple camera shoots
multiclips and II-243
video switchers II-268
multiple clips, selecting II-178
Multiple Edits window layout I-144, III-594
Multi Spin Slide transition II-391, IV-151
multitrack audio recorders I-172
multitrack projects
creating from Final Cut Pro clips/
sequences III-208–III-211
music stems III-185
tips for cutting III-181–III-182
tracks III-185
Musical Instrument Digital Interface. See MIDI
musical sounds III-21, III-22
music synchronization II-308
mute button I-120, III-72, III-82–III-83
entire sequences III-75
mute controls III-81
system sounds III-52
tracks III-72
muting audio II-369
MXF-based formats I-320
Name field IV-340, IV-350, IV-362
Name option IV-297
Name property IV-33, IV-37, IV-45
angles II-263
audio filenames III-192
audio tracks II-304
automatic filenaming I-283
clip names I-249, I-251
clips II-245, IV-17, IV-37, IV-340, IV-350
exported items IV-297
files IV-15
finding items by II-183
markers II-60, II-64
master clips IV-45
matching when reconnecting files IV-82
media files II-245, II-246
Media Manager settings IV-97