Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 2018

smoothing keyframes III-307, III-310
Smooth Point tool II-129
SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television
Engineers) organization IV-471
SMPTE standard timecode II-439
SMPTE timecode I-25, IV-354
SMPTE wipe pattern II-380
moving clips with snap points II-66
playhead to markers II-63
in scrubber bar I-95
in Timeline I-121, II-189–II-190
trimming and II-343
turning on/off II-190
in Viewer I-80
Snapping button II-190, II-343, IV-471
snapping playheads IV-471
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
(SMPTE) I-25
Soft Edges filter III-218, III-249, III-444
softening items
color corrected images III-604
desaturation effects III-611
edges of keyed subjects III-434, III-437
Softening slider III-604
Softness slider III-259
software real-time effects IV-61–IV-65
audio mixing and III-636
codecs III-638
settings III-622–III-640
still frames III-632
software updates I-11
Solarize filter III-251
solid-state memory cards I-321
solo button I-120, III-73, III-84
solo controls III-81
Solo Item command III-420
Sony 5000 format IV-142, IV-145
Sony 9100 format IV-145
Sony LANC protocol IV-355
Sony RS-232 protocol IV-354
Sony RS-422 protocol IV-354
Sony VISCA protocol IV-355
sorting items
bins II-27–II-28
in Browser II-27–II-28
clips II-26, II-27–II-28, II-97
clips in EDLs IV-135
importance of IV-15
sequences II-27–II-28
SOT (Sound On Tape) IV-471
See also audio
musical sounds III-21, III-22
sound cues III-144
sound effects III-181
sound effects tracks III-185
sound waves III-18
sound. See audio
sound bytes IV-471
Sound Designer II format I-315, IV-59, IV-235
sound effects IV-471
Sound On Tape (SOT) IV-471
sound recordists IV-472
Sound Settings dialog III-190
Soundtrack Pro III-201–III-213
soundtracks IV-471
Source, Audio Merged option IV-135
source capture presets IV-343
source clips I-115, I-286, II-110
Source controls I-115
disconnecting II-125–II-126, II-143
resetting II-127
in Timeline II-123
source frames
sliding to new times III-357
variable speed settings and III-355
breaking links to IV-74–IV-76
Media Manager operations and IV-107
reconnecting clips to IV-76–IV-83
Source Media File command II-433
source media files II-37, II-433
See also media files
source monitors I-99, IV-472
Source pop-up menu III-70, III-78
Source property I-35, II-80, IV-42, IV-45, IV-48, IV-74
Source tab IV-345
source tapes IV-472
adjusting III-539–III-540
described I-36
in EDLs IV-130
reel names IV-145, IV-146–IV-147
Source TC checkbox II-448
source time II-75, II-443, II-445
source timecode II-440
source timecode tracks II-443
Space bar I-100
spaces in button bars I-157
spacing, text III-479
spatial compression IV-344
speakers I-173
amplified speakers III-53
configuring III-50
dynamic range III-54
external IV-439
frequency response III-54
passive III-54
placement III-56
problems with IV-439, IV-443