Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1997

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Label 2 property II-24, IV-39, IV-45
Label property II-24, IV-39, IV-45
labels IV-315, IV-460

audio levels III-68
audiotape III-68
audio tracks I-126
clips II-23–II-26
color-coding II-23, II-206
customizing II-26
defaults II-23
names II-23–II-28
preferences II-24–II-26
reels I-249
sorting clips by II-26
tapes I-250
in Timeline I-121

Labels tab II-26, IV-315
languages I-154
Last Modified property IV-40, IV-46
latency I-228, I-230
layered clips

composite mode settings and III-394
motion settings III-263
positioning III-261

layer masks III-408

imported graphics III-376
multiclip layouts III-263
Photoshop files III-380, III-407, III-408

layout of video scopes III-513
layouts IV-460
L-cuts IV-460

See also split edits

leader elements IV-206, IV-208
leading III-479
left output channel III-125
length, compared to duration IV-310
length. See duration
Length option IV-297
Length property IV-40
Less search option II-30
letterboxing I-227
letterbox video IV-429, IV-434
level controls III-573, III-582–III-583
Level Keyframe button II-290, III-123
Level keyframe navigation buttons II-290, III-123
level keyframes III-188

deleting III-99
modifying III-98
recording III-93
recording with control surfaces III-108

level overlay II-289, III-117

audio III-23

average and peak levels III-57
instrument level I-196
monitors III-52

Levels attribute III-121
Levels filter III-245
Level slider II-290, III-117
Levels of Undo setting II-73, IV-305
lift editing IV-460
lift edits II-200–II-201
Lighten compositing mode III-404

color temperature III-587
keying and III-425

Limit Data Rate to N KBytes/sec option IV-344
Limit Effect controls

color against grayscale effects III-609
color correction III-603–III-605
description III-560
examples of using III-606–III-610
hue matching III-597
multiple filters and III-605

Linear command III-319
linear cross fades III-196, III-198
linear editing IV-18, IV-129, IV-460
linear time in time graph III-360
Line In setting IV-346

per frame IV-383
in video frames IV-382

Link command II-219
linked clip items I-121, II-142
linked clips IV-461

audio-video sync II-213–II-214
dual system audio recordings II-229
multiple audio items linked to video II-217–II-218
selecting II-176

linked selection

editing audio and II-298
ripple edits and II-330
turning off II-332
Viewer tabs II-212

Linked Selection button I-121, II-221, II-299, II-343,
link indicators I-121, IV-461
linking items

audio channel pairs II-228–II-229
breaking links II-220
clip items to merge II-50
in Timeline II-218–II-220
video and audio items II-219–II-220


broken IV-74
between clips and source media IV-74
linking items IV-460

list view I-61, I-62–I-66