Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 150

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Chapter 10

Customizing the Interface



To assign keyboard shortcuts to commands:


Choose Tools > Keyboard Layout > Customize.

The Keyboard Layout window appears.


In the Keyboard Layout window, click the Lock button in the lower-left corner.


Click a tab to choose a modifier key or combination of modifier keys.

The keyboard layout for commands that use that modifier key is shown.


If you want to create an entirely new layout, click Clear. When a message appears
asking if you want to clear the keyboard layout, click Yes.

All existing keyboard shortcuts in all tabs are cleared and the keys appear blank (no
icons are displayed).


In the command list area, do one of the following:

 Click a disclosure triangle to display commands within a menu set or command group.
 Click in the search field. (Commands are displayed alphabetically.)
 Enter the name of the command in the search field. (Commands that match are

displayed automatically.)

If you enter “edit,” all
commands that include
that word are shown.