Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1936

cutaway shot A shot that is related to the current subject and occurs in the same time
frame. For example, an interviewer’s reaction to what is being said in an interview is a
cutaway shot. Often, a cutaway shot is used to eliminate an unwanted visual section of
another shot. The audio usually remains continuous, helping to make the cutaway
less noticeable.
data rate The speed at which data can be transferred, often described in megabytes
per second (MB/sec.) or megabits per second (Mbps). The higher a video file’s data rate,
the higher quality it will be, but the more system resources (processor speed, hard disk
space, and performance) it will require. Some codecs allow you to specify a maximum
data rate for a movie during capture.
DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) A digital editing and recording device or software
application used for editing multitrack audio for music or audio post-production.
decibel (dB) Unit of measurement for sound levels; a logarithmic scale used to
describe the loudness of sound as perceived by the human ear. (1 dB corresponds to
approximately the smallest volume change that the average human ear can perceive.)
For digital audio, dBFS is the standard decibel unit of sound level measurement. See
also digital full scale.
decompression The process of creating a viewable image for playback from a
compressed video, graphics, or audio file. Compare with compression.
desaturate To remove color from an image. 100 percent desaturation results in a
grayscale image.
destination track The track a particular source item is edited into in the Timeline, as
defined by the Source and Destination controls in the Timeline patch panel.
destination track controls Source and Destination controls in Timeline tracks that
allow you to specify which tracks source clip items are edited into in the Timeline.
device control Technology that allows Final Cut Pro to control an external hardware
device, such as a video deck or camera. Three protocols are used most frequently to
control video devices: serial device control via the RS-422 and RS-232 protocols, and
FireWire for DV camcorders and decks.
dialogue The recorded audio of one or more people speaking in a video clip. The
designated dialogue track in an editing project is likely to include most of the location
audio that was captured along with the video.
digital A description of data that is stored or transmitted as a sequence of 1s and 0s.
Most commonly, refers to binary data represented using electronic or electromagnetic
signals. QuickTime movie files are digital. Compare with analog.