Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 2000

background image



match frame commands II-283
Media Manager settings IV-96, IV-101
multiclips and II-281–II-282
properties II-84, IV-45
sequence clips and II-430–II-433
Source property IV-48
subclips and II-35, II-38
updating older projects and IV-27

Master Comment properties IV-40, IV-45
Master fader controls III-76, III-88
Master Gain control I-298
Mastering mode IV-202, IV-211, IV-213, IV-214,
Mastering Settings tab IV-201, IV-205
Master mute button III-75
Master property IV-40
master shots III-559, IV-462
master tapes IV-130, IV-139, IV-462
Master Template Browser III-495, III-496
master templates

described III-493–III-494
modifying III-499–III-502
previewing III-495
using III-495–III-499

Match Color indicator III-598
match cuts (matching on action) II-335
Match Frame button I-82
match frame editing IV-462
match frame operations

multiclips II-283
opening media files II-432
replace edits II-160
sequence clips II-431, II-433

match frames I-82, I-97
Match Hue controls III-583, III-597–III-602
Match Hue eyedropper III-598
matching criteria for searches II-30
match-on-action IV-462
Match option II-30
Match pop-up menu II-30
Matrix Wipe transition II-390
Matte Choker filter III-246, III-249, III-427, III-428,
Matte generator III-448
mattes III-440–III-443, IV-462

alpha channels and III-423, III-440
described III-421
filters III-248–III-249
Garbage Matte filters III-440
Matte Choker filter III-440


described IV-462
importing I-315–I-327
labeling II-23–II-26
logging I-266–I-267
managing I-237

organizing II-15–II-26
playing at varying speeds I-103–I-104
source media IV-472

Media 100 systems IV-65
Media Alignment settings II-247, II-253
Media area (Media Manager) IV-92
Media Destination area (Media Manager) IV-98
media elements IV-207
Media End column in Browser I-311
Media End header I-311
Media End points. See Media Start and Media End
Media End property IV-41, IV-46
media files

analyzing IV-122
archiving IV-119
audio media files IV-59
automatic filenaming I-283
capturing I-18, I-235
capturing audio only I-296
clips and I-35–I-37
compared to clips IV-15
connections to clips IV-72
consolidating into one location IV-117
copying IV-111, IV-112
creating for subclips II-42, IV-115
described I-27
dragging to Timeline I-319
duplicate names I-273
file formats vs. codecs IV-230
filenames I-37
finding files for clips II-28, II-83
found during batch capture I-278
importing into Final Cut Pro I-315–I-319
locations I-35
logging I-235
managing I-294
Media Manager operations and IV-92, IV-107
modifying timecode in II-446–II-450
multiclips II-245, II-284
names II-246, IV-17
network sharing IV-18
offline IV-72
organizing I-319
properties IV-46
QuickTime media files IV-31
recapturing process and I-288
recompressing IV-114
reconnecting IV-76–IV-83, IV-89
reconnecting clips to II-79
reconnecting to clips I-36
search folder settings IV-318
for sequence clips II-432
shooting ratio I-209
source tapes I-36
subclips and II-38