Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1999

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Luma Key filter III-247
luma keying III-422, III-424, III-430
luminance. See also luma
luminance gain III-535
Luminance Map transition II-390, IV-151


M+ pointer IV-50
Mackie control surface III-101
Mac OS, version of IV-439, IV-444
Mac OS X

showing and positioning the Dock I-51

Mac OS X Core Audio I-189
MacPaint format I-316, IV-234
macroblocks IV-384
Macromedia Flash format I-315
magnetic tape characteristics IV-376
magnifying views. See zoom controls
Make File Names Unique option IV-142
Make Independent Clip command IV-51
Make Master Clip command IV-48, IV-50
Make Movie Self-Contained option I-330, IV-238,
IV-259, IV-298
Make Multiclip dialog II-243, II-247
Make Multiclip Sequence dialog II-243, II-252–II-254
Make New Clip option I-290, I-291
Make Offline command IV-75
Make Subclip command II-37
map transitions II-390
Mark Audio Peaks command I-304, III-63, IV-122
Mark Clip button I-82
marker icon IV-35
marker list for logged clips I-262

adding to clips or sequences II-57, II-59
adding while logging I-262–I-263
audio scoring markers IV-243
chapter markers II-55, II-60, IV-243, IV-269, IV-273,
clip markers II-54
comments in II-60
compression markers II-55, II-60, IV-243, IV-269,
IV-273, IV-275
controls for I-82, I-97
deleting II-60, II-61
described II-53–II-54, IV-462
displaying II-56
editing into sequences II-69
exporting II-60
extending duration of II-68–II-69
finding items by II-183
moving II-65
moving clips with II-66
moving frame to II-63
moving playhead to I-96, II-62, II-63

QuickTime movie files and II-54
renaming II-57, II-60, II-64
scoring markers II-55, II-60
sequence markers II-54
setting for clips I-82, I-97
setting for sequences I-82, I-97
in subclips I-283–I-285
timecode and II-65
in Timeline I-96
turning into subclips II-39
types of II-55
viewing in Browser II-69
working with I-283–I-285, II-53–II-54

Mark In and Mark Out buttons I-258, II-103, II-111,
II-363, II-364
Mark In button IV-203, IV-213
marking clips as in sync II-227
marking controls IV-203

Canvas I-82, I-97
device control I-242
Log and Capture window I-242
Logging tab I-262
Viewer I-76, I-82

Mark in Sync command II-227–II-228, II-286
Mark Long Frames command IV-121, IV-125
Mark Out button IV-203, IV-213
Mark Selection command II-114
Mark Split command II-233
markup languages, XML as IV-154
Mask Feather filter III-248, III-444–III-445
masks III-443–III-445, IV-462

alpha channels and III-423, III-443
described III-423
examples of using III-444
Image Mask filter III-443
masking portions of clips III-405
Mask Shape filter III-444
Soft Edges filter III-444

Mask Shape filter III-218, III-248, III-444
Master, Audio Merged option IV-135
Master area (Audio Mixer) III-70, III-75
Master audio meters III-60, III-76
Master Clip property IV-49
master clips I-57, III-218

affiliate clips and IV-15, IV-50
copied clips and II-415
creating IV-47, IV-51–IV-52
creating from pasted sequences II-89
described II-78, IV-33, IV-462
duplicating IV-49
editing IV-48
identifying IV-49
importing EDLs and IV-143
independent clips and IV-52
locating IV-49