Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 2027

unbalanced audio cables I-198
Uncompressed 4:2:2 formats III-638
uncompressed AIFF format IV-272
uncompressed digital video
data rates I-208
transfer rates I-210
uncompressed high definition tape formats IV-401
uncompressed standard definition video
format IV-401
uncompressed video IV-188, IV-233, IV-393
underscan video IV-476
Undo command I-51, II-73, II-94, III-675, IV-305
unknown codecs IV-27
Unlimited RT mode III-676
unlinking linked items II-220
“unrendered” message III-648
Unsharp Mask filter III-250
unused clips II-32
unused media II-29, II-42
deleting IV-88
described IV-15
Media Manager settings IV-95
removing with Media Manager IV-109
Up button in Log Bin controls I-255
Update button for markers I-262
Update button for multiclips II-254
updating external output I-225
updating older projects IV-24–IV-28
updating software I-11
USB audio interface I-190
USB hubs I-182, I-202
USB-to-serial adapters I-182, I-202
USB video interface I-177
Use Deck Search Mechanism option IV-353
used media II-29
Use Item In/Out option IV-296, IV-297
Use Logged Clip Settings option I-275
Use Overlapping Timecode option II-253, II-259–
User Preferences window II-73, IV-303–IV-316,
user-programmable timecode IV-146
Use Starting Timecode option II-253, II-257–II-258
using with Final Cut Pro III-201–III-213, III-213–
V1 tracks IV-148
V2 tracks IV-148
validating XML documents IV-156
variable speed IV-476
variable speed settings
adjusting keyframes in the motion bar III-358–
compared to constant III-341
described III-342
in the Motion tab III-362
Time Remap parameters III-260, III-363
Time Remap tool III-353–III-358
tools III-348–III-363
understanding III-337, III-345–III-348
using the Time Graph III-359–III-362
VCR mode IV-192, IV-355
VCRs (videocassette recorders) IV-476
VDUs (Video Disk Units) IV-476
Vectorscope III-512, III-515–III-516, III-521, IV-477
vectorscopes III-535, III-537–III-540
velocity. See speed
velocity. See speed of clips
velocity handles III-318, III-319, IV-477
Venetian Blind Wipe transition II-392, IV-152
ventilation I-216
versions of projects, reopening IV-23
vertical interval timecode (VITC) IV-352, IV-356,
IV-413, IV-414
vertical ranges of clips II-184
vertical scroll bars I-117
VGA interfaces I-181
VHS systems
described IV-477
output IV-188
printing to VHS tape IV-225
requirements IV-189
analog I-24
aspect ratio I-24
basics III-507–III-553
calibration III-540
capture presets IV-341–IV-343
capturing synchronized audio I-307
color bars III-540
display quality I-232
dual audio recordings and II-229
file formats I-315
fonts and III-376
formats II-90, III-424
frame rates I-24
image dimensions I-24
importing I-315, I-320–I-322
interlaced IV-459
latency I-230
letterbox video IV-429, IV-434
levels III-536
line art and III-376
linking items II-218–II-220
matching for clips I-82, I-97
matching for sequences I-82, I-97
M-JPEG I-208
monitoring during logging I-252