Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1392

Chapter 27
Color Correction
To make the pants pink, rotate the Hue control toward magenta.
You can also use the View Final/Matte/Source button (the key) to view the key itself as
a grayscale image while you make changes. Adjusting the Limit Effect controls while
viewing the color correction effect is more interactive.
To fine-tune the effect, move the top two handles of the Color Range control outward
to include more of the yellow area of the picture.
You can also widen the bottom handles to increase the tolerance of the selected color
range and include a greater range of color at the edge of the primary key color.
If you need to readjust the range of hues between these handles, drag in the color
gradient and move the range of hues left or right in relation to the Color Range handles.
Now that you’ve selected the main key color range, you can make adjustments to the
luma to increase the amount of the picture that is affected by the key.
The color of the
affected area is
changed by the
rotation of the Hue
Rotate the Hue control
toward the color you
want the pants to be.
Drag the top handles out
to widen the range of hues
to key on.
Drag the bottom handles
out to increase the
tolerance of the key color.