Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 1119

To modify a transition in a sequence before making it a favorite:
Double-click a transition in a sequence in the Timeline to open it in the Transition Editor.
Make any changes to the transition.
Drag the transition’s drag hand from the Transition Editor to the Favorites bin in the
Effects tab in the Browser, or choose Effects > Make Favorite Effect.
To create a favorite filter from the Filters tab in the Viewer:
Choose Window > Effects (or press Command-5) to make sure the Effects tab is selected.
Double-click a sequence or Browser clip with one or more video or audio filters applied.
The clip opens in the Viewer.
Click the Filters tab in the Viewer.
Make any adjustments to the keyframes or values of the filter parameters.
Select one or more filters in the filter list by doing one of the following:
 Click the name bar of a filter.
 Shift-click two filter name bars to select a range of filters.
 Command-click multiple filter name bars to select specific filters in the filter list.
 Click the filter category bar (for video filters or audio filters) to select all filters in
that category.
Do one of the following:
 Choose Effects > Make Favorite Effect (or press Option-F).
 Drag the selected filters to the Favorites bin in the Effects tab.
Drag hand in the
Transition Editor