Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 1064

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Chapter 14

Changing Motion Parameters



To move a clip:


Select a clip in the Timeline.


Select the Selection tool in the Tool palette, then drag the layer to a new position.

To rotate a clip:


Select a clip in the Timeline.


Select the Selection tool in the Tool palette, then drag any edge of the selected clip’s
border in an arc around the clip’s center point.

 The farther away you drag from the clip’s center point, the more precise control you

have over the rotation.

 To constrain rotation to 45-degree increments, hold down the Shift key while dragging.
 Continuous dragging increases the total number of rotations performed, if you’re

creating keyframed movement.

You can move a clip
partially or completely
outside the Canvas.

Drag any edge with the
Selection tool to rotate
the clip.