Customizing window layouts – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 145

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Part II

Learning About the Final Cut Pro Interface

To choose a window layout:


Choose Window > Arrange, then choose an option from the submenu.

 Audio Mixing: This places the Viewer, Canvas, and Tool Bench at the top. The Tool

Bench window contains the Audio Mixer tab (you can also open the Audio Mixer by
choosing Tools > Audio Mixer). The Browser and Timeline are on the bottom, with
the Tool palette and audio meters to the right of the Timeline.

 Color Correction: This places the Viewer, Canvas, and Tool Bench at the top. The Tool

Bench window contains the Video Scopes and Frame Viewer tabs (you can also open
the Video Scopes and Frame Viewer by choosing Tools > Video Scopes and Tools >
Frame Viewer). The Browser and Timeline are on the bottom, with the Tool palette
and audio meters to the right of the Timeline.

 Multiple Edits: This layout appears only if your screen resolution is set to 1280 x 854

or higher. This layout is useful for comparing three clips appearing in a sequence in a
row for color correction. At the top of the screen, from left to right, are the Viewer; a
Tool Bench window with a Frame Viewer tab showing the previous edit point; the
Canvas; and another Tool Bench window with a Frame Viewer tab showing the next
edit point. The Browser and Timeline are on the bottom, with the Tool palette and
audio meters to the right of the Timeline.

 Standard: This places the Browser, Viewer, and Canvas at the top and the Timeline

across the bottom. The Tool palette and audio meters are to the right of the Timeline.

 Two Up: This places the Viewer and Canvas at the top and the Browser and Timeline

on the bottom. The Tool palette and audio meters are to the right of the Timeline.

Customizing Window Layouts

If none of the existing layouts meet your needs, you can create and save additional
window layouts that you’ve arranged yourself. There are two types of window layouts
you can create:

 Custom layouts: You can create up to two layouts that are available in the Arrange

menu as Custom Layout 1 and Custom Layout 2.

 Saved layouts: You can create numerous window layouts that you name and then

save to your hard disk. Once you’ve saved a new window layout, it appears at the
bottom of the Arrange submenu of the Window menu. If you’ve saved multiple
custom window layouts, the first five appear in alphabetical order at the bottom
of this menu.