Batch capturing selected clips – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 277

Part IV
Logging, Capturing, and Importing
 Add Handles: Select this checkbox to capture additional frames beyond the head (In
point) and tail (Out point) of each clip captured, then enter a duration in the handle
timecode field. Handles are useful if you’ve logged your clips starting at precisely the
first and last frames that you think you want to use, but you want to capture a little
bit more media just in case you need additional frames for performing dissolves and
other transitions.
 Capture Preset pop-up menu: If the Use Logged Clip Settings checkbox is unselected,
you must choose a capture preset from the Capture Preset pop-up menu. This
capture preset is used for all media files you batch capture. A summary of the
settings you specify appears below this pop-up menu.
 Total Media Time: Lists the total time of the selected media, based on the capture
settings you specify.
 Total Disk Space: Lists the disk space needed for the captured media, based on the
capture settings you specify, as well as the space available on your scratch disk.
Batch Capturing Selected Clips
When you batch capture, you need to select clips in the Browser to capture. If no clips,
sequences, or bins are selected, the clips in the currently assigned logging bin are
batch captured when you use the Batch Capture command.
To batch capture clips:
In the Browser, select the clips you want to capture by doing one of the following:
 Select clips.
 Select one or more bins. (All clips in a selected bin will be captured.)
 Select one or more sequences. (All clips in a selected sequence will be captured.)
 Control-click a bin, then choose Set Logging Bin from the shortcut menu. You can
choose the entire project as the logging bin if you want to capture all the clips in
your project.
For more information, see “
Selecting Items in the Browser
Do one of the following:
 If the Log and Capture dialog is open, click the Capture Batch button in the lower-
right corner.
 Choose File > Batch Capture.
 Control-click any of the selected items in the Browser, then choose Batch Capture
from the shortcut menu.
 Press Control-C.