Opening video scopes tabs, P. 512) – Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
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Color Correction and Video Quality Control
Measuring Video Levels with the Final Cut Pro Video Scopes
The Final Cut Pro video scopes work similarly to the standard scopes that you’d find in
any online or color correction suite. The scopes provide exact measurements of the
luma and chroma levels of your clips, helping you to unambiguously spot all of the
hue, saturation, and luma levels that differentiate one clip from another. This lets you
make more informed decisions about adjusting Final Cut Pro color correction filters to
more closely match one clip with another.
The following scopes are available:
 Waveform Monitor
 RGB Parade
Opening Video Scopes Tabs
You can open multiple Video Scopes tabs and display a different scope in each tab.
To open a Video Scopes tab in the Tool Bench window:
Choose Tools > Video Scopes (or press Option-9).
Choose which video scopes you want to view from the Layout pop-up menu.
Choose the video frame you want to analyze from the View pop-up menu.
For more information, see the next section, “
Layout Options in Video Scopes Tabs
To open and use the Waveform Monitor and Vectorscope during log and capture, see
Using Built-in Video Scopes During Capture
The Tool Bench window
appears containing a
Video Scopes tab.
View pop-up menu
Layout pop-up menu