Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual
Page 2021

Swing transition II-389, IV-151
switching angles II-270–II-272, II-280
symbols in filenames I-38
sync beeps III-186–III-188
sync color coding I-109, I-110
“Synchronize using” pop-up menu II-247
angles in multiclips II-247
music II-308
playhead in windows II-434–II-437
video and audio. See merged clips
synchronizing audio decks IV-347
sync points II-46, II-227, II-248
sync relationships IV-474
anchor items II-217
audio-video sync II-213–II-214
linking items II-218
marking clips as in sync II-227
merged clips II-220
multiple audio items II-217–II-218
out-of-sync indicators II-214–II-216
reasons for breaking sync II-226
resyncing clips II-222–II-226
ripple edits and II-330
selecting linked items II-221
tips II-286
unlinking items II-220
sync signals I-308
Sync Time column II-247, II-253
synthesized clips. See generator clips
System 7 Sound format I-315, IV-235, IV-247
System Settings window IV-316–IV-322
system sounds III-52
tabbed windows I-49–I-50
tabs, described IV-474
tagging elements with XML IV-154
tail clips IV-474
tail slates II-248
tails of clips II-374
tape-based linear editing suites IV-65
tape coatings IV-376
tape size IV-376
tape-to-tape color correction III-550
tape-to-tape editing IV-197, IV-474
“Tape Trouble” message I-205
Targa format I-316, IV-27, IV-234, IV-474
Target Video Track Only setting IV-136
Tascam Digital Interface signal format I-195
TC property IV-42, IV-46, IV-147
TC Rate item property II-448
TDIF signal format I-195
technical support I-11
telecine III-548–III-550, IV-474
television I-219
television broadcast dynamic range III-67
television sets III-553
television speakers III-67
temperature, color III-587
template clips III-494, III-497–III-499, III-502–III-503
temporal compression IV-344
terminators I-215
font choices III-376
fonts III-472, III-478
spacing III-479
titling III-471
tracking III-479
text files I-310
text generators IV-157
overview III-471
types of III-474
text labels in Browser and Timeline I-141
text size
in Browser and Timeline IV-309
text tracks IV-229, IV-274
TGA format. See Targa format I-328
third-party audio interfaces I-189
third-party capture cards IV-64
third-party interfaces
audio interfaces I-199
settings I-224
uses for I-174
video interfaces I-182
described II-95
Edit Overlay and II-147
examples II-165–II-170
In and Out points II-106, II-165
overview II-145–II-148
performing edits II-149–II-164
sequence In and Out points II-111
types of II-148–II-149
Threshold parameter III-158, III-159
Threshold setting IV-312
through edit indicators I-127, II-210
through edits I-127, IV-148
in multiclips II-273
removing II-210
Thumbnail Cache setting IV-320
Thumbnail property IV-34, IV-42, IV-47
thumbnails IV-474
cache for IV-320
clip display I-125
displaying I-64
hiding I-65