Apple Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual

Page 2013

background image



resizing items

Browser columns I-62
windows I-141

resizing items. See scaling items
resizing tracks in Timeline II-131–II-132

capturing clips and I-286, I-294
display monitors I-145
graphics clips and III-369–III-371
images and III-369–III-371
QuickView settings III-641
rendered effects IV-367
rendering and III-661
still images IV-285

Resolution option IV-367
restarting batch capture I-278
Restore Project command II-76, IV-22
Restore Window Layout command I-146
restoring projects II-76–II-77
Results option II-30
resynchronizing items

angles in multiclips II-267
merged clips II-51
replace edits II-159

Reveal in Finder command II-28
Reveal Master Clip command II-282, II-432, IV-49
reverberation III-55, III-160
Reverb filter III-160
Reverse Alpha command III-413
Reverse Alpha property IV-34, IV-41, IV-47
reverse effects III-196
Reverse option IV-225
reverse playback I-100, III-343, III-344, III-352, III-363
reverse shots IV-468
Reverse Transition button II-401
Revert Project command II-76, II-77, IV-19
Rewind button IV-204
RGB Balance filter III-243
RGB channels III-415–III-416
RGB color space I-86, II-90, IV-379

Component RGB I-179
compositing and III-664
recording methods and IV-388
rendering Y´CbCr into III-664
settings III-665
updating projects and IV-29, IV-468
working in III-507, III-664

RGB mode III-415
ribbon cables I-213
Rich Text Format files (RTF format) I-313
right output channel III-125
rim lights (back lights) IV-448
ripple deletes. See ripple edits
Ripple Dissolve transition II-389, IV-151

ripple editing IV-468
ripple edits

adjusting clip length with II-407
asymmetrical trimming II-332–II-334
clips with transitions II-384
closing gaps II-201–II-202
indicators in Trim Edit window II-360
performing II-201–II-202, II-328–II-329, II-366
rippling multiple tracks II-332
sync relationships and II-330
tips II-334

Ripple filter III-244
Ripple tool II-325
rippling clips. See insert edits, ripple edits
roll editing IV-468
roll edits

changing transition location II-406
clips with transitions II-384
indicators in Trim Edit window II-360
performing II-334–II-339, II-366
rolling multiple tracks II-338
tips II-339
transition bar and II-399

Roll tool II-334, II-336
room noise III-138
room shape, audio and III-55
room tone II-287, II-310–II-313, III-178, IV-468
Rotate filter III-250

controls III-228
motion parameters III-258
rotating clips III-276, III-279

rotation handles III-276
rotation value IV-468
rotoscoping IV-469
rough cuts I-19
rough edit IV-469
rough edits

drag-to-Timeline editing II-137
steps in II-91–II-92

roundtrips III-209
RS-232 device control IV-354, IV-356
RS-422 device control IV-194, IV-200, IV-351, IV-354,
RT-11 disks IV-140
RT Extreme

codecs III-638
external video monitoring III-629
record settings III-631
Safe RT mode III-625
settings III-622–III-640
video output III-640

RTF files (Rich Text Format) I-313, IV-444
RT pop-up menu I-122, III-622, III-623–III-624, IV-193