Gps utilities – Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 97
Press the Configure button to the right of the Data Collector Internet option.
Select the COM port on the data collector that is connected to the RTK port of the GPS rover receiver. It cannot be the
same port that is used to control the receiver and is selected in the GPS Rover Comms tab. It may be a serial port or a
BT port with a connection that has already been established.
After selecting the port and pressing the green check to accept the input, select the network type in the RTK tab. Other
settings are just like using the other modem selections as explained in the section “Connecting a GPS Rover to a Modem
or Base Network”.
GPS Utilities
Every GPS manufacturer and model has a different set of GPS Utilities. The primary purpose of the Receiver Utilities is
reset and/or troubleshoot the GPS receiver.