Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 254

In this example, considering first slope, the road begins midway in transition, at slope 1.61% in a curve left, then
transitions into a curve right with a slope of -3.9% at station 1180, greater than normal crown, holding this grade
through station 1260. Then the road veers again to a curve left of 2% and holds that from station 1418 through 1480,
after which it transitions to 4.7% at station 1540, holds that slope through 1754, and transitions back to a uniform cross
slope of 2% at station 1814 where it remains through station 2066.86. Note that where no slope entry is entered (eg. at
station 1361.11 through 1381.25), the program transitions proportionally between the last actual entries provided (1260
and 1418).
While the slope is following the instructions of the slope column, the road lane width adheres to the distance column.
So if the right-side shoulder width is 32.5 feet through station 1361.1, you can enter that distance for all stations in that
range, or you could simply bracket the distance by entering 32.50 for station 1085.45 and 1361.11 and leave 1180 and
1260 blank for distance. Either way, it will compute correctly. Then for each station where a distinct distance is given in
the plans, a new station entry is made, such as at 1378.61 (30') and 1381.25 (28'). If the road transitions from 28' to 16'
between stations 1381.25 and 1608.08, then all stations used for slope in that range can be left blank for distance. For
station 1608.08, the distance of 16' needs to be entered, to complete the distance transition, and the slope at 1608.08 can
be entered (since it is known) or left blank. Either way, it will calculate correctly, since the 4.7% slope is governed by
stations 1540 and 1754. Similarly, for the final stations 1754 through 2066.86, the known distance of 16' can be entered
or left blank.
At station 1500, the right-side SHR lane is both in slope and in distance transition. The program will calculate this and
you can review the slopes by using the Stake Road command, as shown below:
By clicking on the SHR ID point, the program displays the computed offset (21.718) and the computed slope in
(2.901%) and slope out (-4%, per the standard template). A similar page of values was entered for the SHL ID point,
leading to the uniform superelevated slope left to right. With the Template Grade Table, applied to as many template
ID points as needed, any complex road can be defined. When running Stake Road, Stake Slope or Elevation
by Roading Design Files and recalling a template file, you have the option to use a Template Grade Table