Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 313

Transform: Align Building (AlignB):
This is a building application allowing adjustment of the building pad location in the field. If you import a map of a
subdvision or building project containing a building pad, side lot lines and a frontage line, you can reset the building pad
to a new, specific offset from the frontage and also force the building pad to be parallel to a selected side lot line, at a
specific offset to the lot line. Refer first to the graphic below which shows an existing building on lot 84. Using the I
for Inverse command in the MAP screen, you can obtain the distance from the end point of the building and then select
the perpendicular snap on the lot line. The distance is 18.7 feet. Similarly, the distance from the building to the arc of
the frontage line can be computed at approximately 58 feet.
There are 2 methods of Building Align, which are set under Tools, Align Settings. The first method is to align the
buildign parallel to a lot line at a certain offset from the frontage, measured along the lot line. This is the
Offset-Distance setting for Building Align. To illustrated this method, assume the goal is to place the building parallel
to the side lot line at 20 feet offset, and offset from the frontage at 65 feet as measured along the lot line. Here are the
prompts for the Align Building command:
Pick Bldg Segment Near Front Corner
: (Pick the same lower left building corner as shown above, but along the side
facing the adjoining lot line). This leads to the graphic below. The correct side line is highlighted.
Pick Lot Segment Near Front
: Now pick the side lot line near the right-of-way or lot frontage line. The building
setback offset will be calculated from the front end of the lot line.