Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual

Page 235

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Since templates used in Slope Staking help define all grades into the centerline from the slope stake, it makes sense to

focus on the subgrades that are built by the dozer, motor grader or trimmer. Thus, despite all the surface grades

involved, there are only three distinct grades in this example curb and gutter template between centerline and the pivot

point of the cut and fill slopes: 12.00 at -2% (subgrade at back of curb), 0.01 horizontal and 1 vertical, and 8.00 at 4%.

For the Vertical method, some positive horizontal distances must be entered, such as 0.01 or 0.001. By pressing Add in

the dialog, we can enter the first two grades.

Downhill slopes, going out from the middle of the template, are entered as negatives. Note that it is necessary to enter

an ID for each break point in the template. This helps identify the description of the grade on the progressive slope

stake report (e.g. from the outside going in, 8’ at -4% to TC, 0.01’ at -1 vertical to EP, 12’ at 2% to CL). The shoulder

slope going out (8’ at 4%) is entered similarly, as above. The Input-Edit Template dialog now appears.