Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 310
See the above two figures. Because in the top figure, from 1 to 2 to 3 was one continuous polyline, after the radius was
set at 15, P was entered to set up the one-pick approach for polylines, leading to the completed fillet command and the
result as shown in the bottom figure. Now you can do Cogo, Interpolate Points, Polylines to Points (P2P) and solve for
the points for the beginning of the arc, radius and end of arc, for purposes of stakeout (set out).
Modify - Join (JN):
This command allows you to join polylines. Enter D to specify a new maximum separation distance, then select the
polylines on the MAP screen. If you use 0 for Distance, then the polyline to join must be separate polylines connecting
to common points. The advantage of joining polylines is that they can then be offset as a unit, and the vertices of the
offset polylines can be turned into points for stake out. The offset command, in effect, does all the complicated
bearing-bearing intersects for you. For example, if the resulting polyline were a pipeline with a 20 meter total
right-of-way, then to stake the right-of-way points, you would offset the polyline 10 units left, then 10 units right, then
turn both offset polylines into points.