Inverse – Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 205
There are two uses of the command: to Delete a point or range of points, and to Modify the descriptions of a point or
range of points. For example, if you wished to assign the description "IP (Found)" to points 3 through 5, you can enter
the point range and description as above, and then tap "Modify". You will have a confirming screen as shown below:
This command reports the bearing and horizontal distance between any two user-specified points that are contained
within the current job. If under Units in Job Settings, Angle is set to Azimuth, then inverse will display azimuths
instead of bearings. You can override the display settings in Job Settings by choosing between Bearing (Brg N,E or Brg
E,N), North Azimuth (NAz N,E, NAz E,N) and South Azimuth (SAz N,E or SAz E,N) at the bottom right of the Inverse
Inverse can be run in either 2D or 3D mode as selected at the top of the screen. In 2D mode, the program displays only
the bearing and distance between the two points. As many as four inverses can be viewed at once, as shown below.
In 3D mode, the report also displays the slope distance, elevation difference, slope in percent, and slope as a ratio,
between each point. The Northing, Easting, Elevation and description of the specified points are also shown.