Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 106
If the values you have are “from WGS84”, simply reverse the sign of each value (positive becomes negative
and vice versa). You will need to save the system to a file. You may save the system to a “.sys” file or a “.csl”
file. Sys files contain only one system definition. Csl files contain multiple system definitions. Both files are
ASCII text files using OpenGIS WKT (Well Known Text) format.
Load File:
To load a user-defined coordinate system from a file, Click under the Edit Projection List button
under the SYSTEM tab in Localization. Select Add User Defined and then Load File. Change the File Type
at the top to “.sys” or “.csl” depending on the type of file you are loading. A “.sys” file will be associated with
each job. You can load the projection last used on a survey job by loading its “.sys” file. Select your file and
hit OK. If you have selected a ".csl" file, you will be asked to choose from a list of system definitions found in
the file. For the “.csl” type, you may verify that the details of your system have been loaded correctly by
clicking the edit option.
TS Tab
The TS tab is where you specify the total station scale and adjustment options.