Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual

Page 246

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16+00.00,48.92,21.45,NP-28,18" RCP,T

Within Stake Road, Section Method, the pipes can then be loaded as a cross section file and the pipe inverts can be

staked in the same way that road cross section points can be staked. The pipe format is recognized and the pipes display

with their correct diameter shown. Note the ability of the program to display the pipe size, captured as the 5th field in

the ASCII file (above):

Input-Edit Section File

This routine is a convenient cross section editor. It can be used for entering new sets of cross sections or for editing and

reviewing an existing set of cross sections. One nice application is Slope Staking. If you know the left and right “pivot

points” on stations to be slope staked, you can enter very simple, two-point cross sections consisting of the left pivot

offset and elevation, and the right pivot offset and elevation. Then, without taking a cheat sheet into the field, you can

slope stake by cross section method, and the program will seek these pivot points, and even interpolate the correct pivot

points between entered cross sections.

A better approach would be to include all break points in the sections from pivot left to pivot right, along with

descriptions. Then Slope Staking will report the progressive information to grade each point from the catch all the way

into centerline. This “section-based slope staking” is a cross between user-defined (where you need the cheat-sheet!)

and design files, where the pivot offsets and elevations are taken from the pivot points in the template as they react with

the profile and superelevation files. Sections used in Stake Road should be complete cross section files, with all

offsets, to enable precise, interpolated stakeout within the left-to-right range of the sections, on station, or at interpolated


The Input-Edit Section File routine begins by prompting for a cross section file name. If you wish to start a new cross

section file, just enter a new name.

If you choose to select an existing cross section file, such as DEMO.sct, after selecting the file, you will see the “Section