Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 139
Note: FAST Survey is designed to produce a 1 keystroke point store, by pressing Enter. If you experience more
prompts storing a point, it is because you have certain settings active that cause additional prompts. These settings
include 2 options within Configure (Prompt for Height and Description, Prompt for Point Notes), Store FCL Only
within Feature Codes, Special Codes, Settings (will prompt if description does not match a feature code), the use of GIS
attributes as set in Feature Codes, or the use of "Read or Store" rather than "Read and Store" within Configure. "Read
or Store" will turn the first Enter into Read (to review the shot) and the second Enter into Store. Set to "Read and Store"
with no Prompt for Height/Description, points are typically stored as fast as you press Enter.
The SDR33 and earlier SDR data collectors have a convenient concept for “Store Last, Read Next”.
In this method, you get your descriptions set up and take a shot. The reading is displayed at the bottom line of the
screen. You examine it, satisfy yourself it is correct, move to the next point, and take another shot. This was done
on the SDR collectors with the Read key, but with FAST Survey, can be accomplished with Enter.
Normal Foresight Style:
The most typical method is the "Read and Store" procedure as set in Configure. This
takes a one keystroke measurement. But you must remember to enter the height and description ahead of time,
before pressing Enter. If you want an "after-shot" chance to change the height and description, turn on "Prompt for
Height/Description Prompt" within Configure. The Enter key can also be used for Read First, Store Later. This is
the “Read or Store” version. Your first Enter is a read, only (like pressing R or entering ALT-R). Your second
is a store, which can be followed by the Hgt/Desc Prompt on save. This is the most cautious designation of
the use of the Enter key for taking shots. Note below that after the read, the point is displayed with a question
mark, and the raw data is displayed. It is saved only when Enter is pressed again (or S is pressed, or even Alt S—
all of which store a previous Read). In the final Store Point dialog (with Rod Hgt/Desc prompt turned on), you will
find the Point Description field. Along with the designated Feature Code list, all descriptions entered for the
current job will accumulate in the available Point Description List, allowing the user to select the text graphically,
arrow key to the desired text, or highlight and select the correct text after entering the first character in the edit box.
An entry of “P” goes right to all text starting with the letter “P”. Then you can select the one you want. The Enter
key will continue on at this point.
Height/Description Prompt
When this option is turned on within Configure (EQUIP menu), you obtain the full list of Feature Codes plus any
descriptions you have entered that are not included in the Feature Code list. Shown below is a reflectorless shot (rod
height=0) with Height/Description Prompt on.
Symbols are shown as circles, and polyline features as lines. Polylines that are 3D include the "Z". As a short-cut to
entering the special codes to start and stop lines, you can use the icons that appear at right. Of the 8 icons shown, going
left to right starting at the top, they represent start polyline, start curve, end polyline, end curve, close polyline, close
rectangle, designate specific "unfinished" active line, and "more options", leading to icons for Offset Horizontal and
Offset Vertical.
Robotic Features
The status of the robot is displayed in the upper left-center, next to TEXT and above the Map. Status modes include:
Locked onto the prism and following it (shows the "man with pole" icon). If not tracking, there is a line
through the icon.
: Shows the "Lock" symbol, meaning the instrument is following the prism. You can be locked and