Draw centerline, Profile editor – Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 231
Draw Centerline
Draw Centerline will draw the selected centerline on the screen. All the zooming commands [Zoom In, Zoom Out,
Zoom Window, Zoom Previous and Pan] are available to you in the Draw Centerline command. The program will
automatically zoom to the extent of the centerline when drawn. If there are point numbers and polylines on the screen in
that area, they will appear as well. This command only temporarily displays the centerline for reference and does not
draw it on the screen as part of the dxf file associated with the job. To actually draw the centerline as a permanent
feature (unless erased later), use Map (globe icon), Tools, Centerline, CL to Polyline.
Profile Editor
This routine allows field entry of vertical alignment files for roads, sewers and other types of alignments. Vertical
alignments can also be loaded and edited. In addition, high and low points can be calculated and the elevations of
individual stations can be calculated. Vertical alignments are stored as files with a .PRO extension. Vertical alignments
are typically referred to as profiles. In FAST Survey, the station ranges of the profile and centerline do not need to
match. As long as they have station ranges in common, any profile can be used with any centerline for all advanced
Roading commands as well as Survey menu routines such as Offset Stakeout and Elevation Difference by Road Design
Profile Entry
Profiles are extremely easy to enter. When the command is selected, if no prior profile has been entered, you will
encounter the blank Input-Edit Profile dialog. You can also obtain a blank screen and start a new profile by tapping the
icon (eraser) at the top of the screen.