Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual

Page 300

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To delete a layer

: Highlight the layer name in the list and tap the Delete button. You cannot delete layers that

contain objects. If you select a layer and the Delete button is not visible, then this layer contains objects.
To turn a layer On/Off

: Highlight the layer name and tap the On/Off button. Objects on layers that are On

will be visible, objects on layers that are Off are not visible.
On all

: This button will turn all layers on

Off all

: This button will turn all layers except the current layer off.


: Clicking on the color bar will bring up the color palette allowing you to set or change the layer color of

the highlighted layer.

One of the main purposes of the Layer command is to permit the import, by DXF, of a drawing containing all possible

polyline work to stake out (set out). Then you can reduce clutter on the drawing by turning layers off, leaving only the

layers you want. You can stake any endpoint, intersection, or other location on the polylines using "snaps" without

creating point numbers. You can also do the MAP command Cogo, Interpolate Points, Polylines to Points and make

point numbers out of all vertices (corners) of polylines where you need to set stakes. Then proceed with Stakeout by


View Options (VO):

This command controls the appearance of point objects on screen. This is exactly the same as touching the lower left

graphic icon. The routine displays the View Point Options dialog. Pt#, Description and Elevation toggles control

whether these attributes are labeled with the points. If Freeze All is on, the points are placed on the map, without

attributes. Available point symbols are: ".", "+", "x". The “Decimal is point location” toggle determines if the decimal

point used in the display of elevations represents simultaneously the point location and symbol. This slightly reduces

screen clutter. Turning on the WCS Icon and Scale Bar would show the north direction and graphic scale at all time in

the MAP view. Turning them off also reduces screen clutter.

Small and Large toggles determine the size of font used to display the point object on screen. Set Color Attributes

brings up the color palette (available only on color CE devices). This lets you choose the color of the point symbol,

elevation and description text. Traverse Defaults is found under the Data tab, which also includes the "Intelligent Zoom"

toggle (on setting recommended). The Traverse Defaults button brings up a dialog that has the settings for prompting

each time for instrument and rod height and the vertical angle. This applies to the T for Traverse and SS for Sideshot

commands that allow point calculation within the MAP Screen. For Cogo work, turn off Instrument/Rod Height and

Vertical Angle prompting. For manual entry of actual field measurements, turn them back on.