Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual

Page 194

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calculations. Elev shows the calculated elevation which will be the elevation at the total station or level on a plus shot

(BM+ or TP+) or the elevation at the rod on a minus shot (BM-, TP-, SS- or STA-).

Any measurement can be highlighted by clicking on the measurement. A measurement must be selected before using
Edit Reading

or the ON/OFF button.

All the values in the Results section are about the elevation calculations. The Sel Error field shows how different the

calculated elevation of the currently selected measurement is from the mean of all the measurements that are on.

Once a benchmark (plus) reading has been taken and stored, the Minus Reading dialog will be shown. This dialog

allows you to read the minus reading to a turning point (TP), benchmark (BM), sideshot (SS), or a sideshot on an

alignment (STA). Turning points advance the setup while sideshots do not. A reading to the benchmark in the minus

screen will end the loop.

Level Reading Mode: This icon switches the interface between taking plus or minus readings.

At any time during the loop, you can edit a reading using the Edit Levels icon to the left of the red X (Cancel) button.

Once the minus reading on a benchmark has been recorded, you can then process the loop using the Process icon which

is to the left of the Edit Levels icon. Once you've processed the loop, a Review File dialog will be displayed. At this

point you can choose to save the report or proceed to the Processing Options screen.