Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual

Page 355

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Whenever you select a projection or coordinate system, you can place it in a “most used” list of coordinate systems to

choose from under the GPS tab in Job Settings. This list can contain one projection system or many different systems

the user selects.

This is a special list of either predefined (eg. KY North NAD83) or user-defined coordinates systems. To get the list

started or add to the list, select Edit Projection List and click Add Predefined. In the U.S., for example, surveyors might

want to keep the UTM (WGS84) system plus the NAD83 and NAD27 “state plane” zones in the list for quick access,

covering the region of your work. European and other worldwide zones can be added. When setting up a UTM

selection, you can choose your zone, referencing the graphic below for the US:

You can see a map of the UTM zones online at:

To edit the list of saved projections, click on Edit Projection List. Here we select a user-defined UTM system from the

list to Delete or Edit.