Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 227

the northing and easting for the start of the centerline. It is not necessary to enter the northing and easting if you use
the Pick PL (pick polyline) option for defining a centerline, since the starting coordinates of the selected polyline
are automatically used, and would overwrite anything previously entered.
: This command allows you to load an existing centerline for review or edit.
Use this button to edit the highlighted element.
Use this button to remove the highlighted element.
: Returning to the starting dialog, you can add elements to get a centerline started. Typically, you will start
with a line or tangent segment, but you can also start on a curve or spiral curve element. When you select Add,
you get to choose which element to use. These options include:
Add (Line):
A tangent section of the alignment. This option allows you to enter a point ID or coordinates to define
the end of the tangent, or enter the station, or distance and the direction. To force the element to be tangent to the
previous element, toggle on the Tangential to the previous elem option. This will gray out the direction field and
will compute the tangent direction and enter it for you.
Add (Curve):
A typical circular curve section of the alignment. The first element of the curve defines what the
options for the second element can be (See Lists Below). The RR toggle allows the user to use Railroad definitions.
The Review button allows you to verify the Tangent In and Tangent Out bearings or azimuths (depending on Job
Settings, Format, Angle Display settings), as well as confirm PC and PT coordinates. For example, this allows you
to verify computed Tangent Out bearings against paper plans, before continuing entry of new elements.