Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual

Page 117

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H. Obs

: This specifies the horizontal observation tolerance as an angle field. A tolerance of zero is not allowed.

V. Obs

: This specifies the vertical observation tolerance as an angle field. A tolerance of zero is not allowed.

Edm tol (mm)

: EDM fixed tolerance in millimeters specifies the EDM error that is independent of the length of the

line measured.

Stakeout Tol

: This specifies the maximum difference between the target location and actual staked point. When

the staked point is beyond the tolerance, FAST Survey displays a warning dialog. The Stakeout Tolerance is

systematically applied to all stakeout commands. The program will respond with a warning screen such as

“Stakeout is beyond the Tolerance Setting. Do you wish to continue storing?” The angle and distance tolerances

are applied to multiple distance measurements (when Configure Reading specifies multiple Num Dist Readings)

and when multiple angle measurements are taken in Set Collection or processed in Process Raw File.

GPS Tolerances:


: A measurement of accuracy defined by the radius of the circle containing 50 percent of the

individual measurements being made, or the radius of the circle within which there is a 50 percent probability of

being located.


: A measurement of accuracy defined by a sphere within which there is a 50 percent probability of

locating a point or being located. SEP is the three-dimensional analogue of CEP.

Stakeout Tol

: This specifies the maximum difference between the target location and actual staked point. When

the staked point is beyond the tolerance, FAST Survey displays a warning dialog.


CEP tolerance and SEP tolerance are used by some manufacturers. Most of the others refer to it as HRMS and

VRMS Tolerance.


Even if you are fixed, if you attempt to store points and your GPS tolerance values are exceeded, you will obtain a

warning screen.