Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
Page 40
Road Tab
Next icon advances to:
This defines how the "Next" icon will behave. It can advance to the next station or the
next offset location.
Stake Section File Locations:
This instructs the software to stop at these critical locations even when they do not
fall on the even station.
Sections Include Catch Points:
This instructs the software whether or not the design sections were extracted to
the shoulder or the design catch location. If the design catch location is included in the section, the software will
automatically determine the pivot point at the next interior section point for slope staking purposes. The design
slope ratio will be determined by the last two points in the section.
Always Zoom All:
This zooms the preview window automatically to fit the extents of the current section.
Hold Offset/Hold Grade ID
: If Hold Offset is selected, the zoom holds the actual numerical offset of 12, for
example, for a 12' roadway width but if Grade ID is selected, the zoom holds the calculated position of the Grade
ID and factors in widening of the lane. This applies to cross section viewing within Stake Road.
Zoom In/Out:
This determines the zoom increment of the preview window.
Vertical Scale:
This allows the user to exaggerate the scale vertically.
Display Slope as Ratio
: Instructs the program to display ratio instead of slopes--useful for cut and fill slope
Degree of Curvature:
This allows the user to define the value of the base value used to define the degree of
curvature: 100 ft it is the default value used for US Feet or US International Feet.
Use Railroad Type Curves:
This allows the user to define the use of railroad definition for the curves present
within the alignment used inside the Stakeout Line/Arc routine.
There can be as many as three cutsheet files active at one time, one for point staking cutsheets, one for centerline staking
cutsheets and one for slope stake cutsheets. All three cutsheet files can be given distinct names, and any of the three can
be turned on or off for purposes of storing. It is even possible to have a fourth, named, cutsheet file if cutsheets are
turned on within Cross Section Survey in the Roading menu. And finally, if cutsheets are reported from the raw file, a
distinct new name can be assigned prior to recalling the raw file and creating the cutsheet file. All cutsheet files are
ASCII and can be viewed in a text editor or an Excel Spreadsheet.
The Cutsheets button leads to the following options:
Point Stakes:
Toggling this option on enables writing to the selected cutsheet file. The buttons allow the user to
select the file, customize the Point Cutsheet report format as well as edit and view the current point cutsheet file.
This applies to the command Stake Points.
Alignment Stakes:
Toggling this option on enables writing to the selected cutsheet file. The buttons allow the
user to select the file, customize the Alignment Cutsheet report format, and edit and view the current alignment
cutsheet file. This applies to commands within Stake Line/Arc, and to Offset Stakeout, Point Projection and Stake
Road (in Roading) and includes station and offset options in the stored file, as well as cut/fill. A special
“centerline-style” cutsheet file, containing station and offset information, can be named and saved within the
Roading command, Cross Section Survey. This file is viewable in the editor within Set Cl Cutsheet Format, but
has no cut/fill values, just “as-built” data. Centerline-based cutsheets have more configurable options in the report,
such as Stake Station, Staked Offset, Design Station and Design Offset. The Design Point ID is one of the