Data transfer – Spectra Precision FAST Survey Reference Manual User Manual
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Using the command Field to Finish, found under the Tools pulldown menu in the Map screen, you can reprocess your
field codes after editing any aspect of your point data. So if you left off an "end line" command, you can edit the point,
change the description, and re-process the linework. In the example using the code RECT25 above, if you edited that
point and changed it to RECT50, it would draw a twice as large building when you run Field to Finish, and RECT-25
would draw the same building but instead in the opposite direction. If you click on Show Line Details under Configure,
this reprocessing is fully automatic whenever a graphic screen is displayed, whether in active survey commands or by
going to the Map screen.
Data Transfer
This command prepares FAST Survey for transferring data to and from a desktop PC or to a USB stick (thumb drive).
For Data Transfer to a PC, a program on the PC must be running to receive and send files. FAST Survey, using the
Data Transfer option, must “handshake” with the program on the PC in order for the transfer to be successful. A serial
cable must connect the PC to the handheld device running SurvCE. COM ports must be identified correctly, as well as
baud rates. For data collectors with a standard USB port, it is only necessary to insert the USB thumb drive into the
port. The USB transfer option is part of the "Copy to Storage" feature.
Carlson/C&G Transfer
: This option is designed to work with Carlson Software and C&G office products (Carlson
Civil, Carlson Survey, Carlson Survey Desktop, Carlson Connect in older Autodesk products, X-Port, CG Survey
and SurvNET). It also works with the standalone SurvCom program that is included with the purchase of FAST
Survey. The handshake is designed for simplicity and robustness. Carlson Software products use the same native
file formats as FAST Survey, so no file conversion occurs — only transfer.
TDS Transfer
: This command is used to transfer data from FAST Survey to TDS Foresight or other programs that
have a TDS Link routine.
SDR Transfer
: This command is designed to work with existing programs that communicate with the SDR. For
example, if you have LDD, Intergraph, SurvCADD/Carlson Civil, SelectCAD or other software that contains an